
A Simple and Scientific Formula to Success-How to Create an Environment for Success

A Simple and Scientific Formula to Success-How to Create an Environment for Success In this video a very simple but scientific formula to success has been elaborated in detail. The formula mainly consists of how to create an environment, matrix or molds to streamline success in one's life or fit oneself into success. The video tells how a person who had spinal disorders came up with new idea of cultivating furniture in his farm house with the help of molds after a mold of iron rodes treated his spine from which he learned that plants can also be shaped as per required with the help of molds.
The video further explains how a couple incorporated chess in their life with the goal to make their children chess player. They came up with chess matrix and engaged their children in that matrix which resulted all three of their daughters become international chess champions.
The video suggests that if we create an environment and matrix keeping in view an end, the probability of achievement of that end increases greatly. Similarly, if we put ourselves into matrix and mold of the principles and routines of some successful person, we have full chances to get the success that particular person has got.

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