Welcome to Tohu Tapu (Sacred Guidance).
The purpose of this channel is to help you.
I want to help you to get to the best place possible in your life.
To understand that you have the power and the control, to create an amazing world.
To start doing that from the inside out.
I want you to stand in your light.
To see and feel your greatness.
To know your being is important to this world.
I want you to, rather than come on here to see if someone loves you, to get to a place where you love yourself enough, that it doesn't matter what anyone else does, or says, or thinks.
I want your inner world to feel so peaceful and serene, that you really are creating a heaven on earth, and standing in the power of all you can be.
So please help me, to help you, and others.
Please subscribe, click like and share these messages.
Be part of that growth for yourself, and for others.
Also check out the other placements in your chart as well because there might be more messages in there that are for you.
The tarot decks used in this reading are:
Animal Tarot – Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
The Enchanted Tarot – Monte Farber & Amy Zerner
Magical Unicorns – Doreen Virtue
Previous Reading -
The messages that come through from the cards are intuitive and are not always the standard meaning of the cards.
Please make sure you are always taking responsibility for your own life and well being.
Finally, please ensure you're connecting in with yourself as often as you change your undies. And hopefully that's every day!!!
Bless your beautiful soul.
Arohanui xoxo