Could you make shelter and fire and get water, and food if you only had minimal tools such as an axe, saw, hooks and line? We test our skill to make a bowdrill friction fire, catch a fish through the ice with primitive tools and put together an overnight shelter to protect form the rain and other elements such as the wet snow. My Gear (Shop and Support):
We will only use a shovel, bit of rope, an axe and saw to try to get the 5 main things you need to survive in a survival situation. Water is everywhere, but it also needs to be boiled to purify so fire is a must. Food is in the lake, but needs to be caught.
I will make a bow drill set with a piece of cedar blow down including the hearth board, spindle and bow. The bearing block is made out of soft wood. We collect materials to make a tinder bundle out of cedar, birch bark, and grass, which is too wet to be useful.
Next we cut spruce trees to make a covered area to stop the wet snow from making us hypothermic.
These are some of the worst conditions to make fire as it is cold and extremely wet. Even the birch bark doesn't light very well to make a campfire to cook over.
Website (For Email Alerts):
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Merch (t-shirts):
Become part of MY TRIBE:
- Woodobo Spice:
- Trail Cameras (Browning):
- Flashlights (O-light): www.olightworld.com [use code "woodbeard" for 10% off]
Olight USA:
Olight Canada:
- Slingshots, slingbows (Simpleshot):
- Camo (ASAT): www.asatcamo.com [use code "WoodBeard" to get 10% off]
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods