
Bloomberg to reassess pres race after Biden rout Super Tuesday. Update: Bloomberg endorses Biden

Bloomberg to reassess pres race after Biden rout Super Tuesday. Update: Bloomberg endorses Biden According to Josh Lederman, Mike Bloomberg campaign officials tell him that they will have to "take another look tomorrow (Wednesday), once the data comes in." In other words, they will take a look to see whether there's a reason to continue with the presidential campaign.

Mike Bloomberg has reportedly spent $550 million since he joined the race for the Democrats' presidential nominee 100 days ago. #SuperTuesdayResults

NBC News

Update Wednesday 4 March
Bloomberg: “I’ve always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterday’s vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden."

Presidential campaign,Mike Bloomberg,Super Tuesday,#SuperTuesday,Mini Mike,Democrats presidential campaign,Super Tuesday result,Democrats primary,Primary result,Joe Biden,Sanders,Josh Lederman,NBC reporting,

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