
An efficient way to build preCICE adapters and improve FSI simulations (Jessica Mariño, preCICE2020)

An efficient way to build preCICE adapters and improve FSI simulations (Jessica Mariño, preCICE2020) Recording of the 1st preCICE Workshop, February 17-18 at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.

In this video:
Jessica Mariño (Technical University of Darmstadt): An efficient way to build preCICE adapters and improve FSI simulations


Research at FNB focuses on the modeling and simulation of multiphysics phenomena, such as the interaction of multiphase flows with flexible structures and aeroacoustic effects induced by fluid-structure interaction (FSI). For some years, our research in the field of FSI was performed using an implicit partitioned method based on the in-house flow solver FASTEST, the structural solver FEAP, and the quasi-standard coupling interface MpCCI version 3.1.1. The method was intensively tested and optimized. However, the system memory issues with MpCCI 3.1.1 and the lack of information about the coupling process in the black-box MpCCI, motivated the change of the coupling software to preCICE. A first version of the FASTEST adapter, which was based on the old MpCCI implementation, led to limited functionality of preCICE. Our recent efforts, which included rebuilding the preCICE adapter almost from scratch and the change to the CalculiX structural solver, significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of the coupling framework. The present work intends to share our experience on reusing/rebuilding existing coupling approaches, the accompanying validation processes and adapter maintenance.

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