Or Nutrition?
Abs are built in the kitchen, right?
In this case. Yes.
I want to look at how exercise makes up such a small part of our day / week / month / year.
In 1 day, we have 24 hours. If we do 60 minutes of exercise, we will spend 4% roughly of our day exercising.
Let’s say we can fit in 4 sessions a week on average of the same duration, 60 minutes, these 4 hours of exercise make up 2.4% of our 168-hour week.
Let’s say we repeat that week for the next 28 days (a 28-day month). There are 672 hours, we might manage 16 hours of exercise, again 2.4% of our month spent exercising.
If we multiply this by 12 (336days of our year) we would get 8064 hours, with only 192 hours of exercise. Only 2.4% of our year exercising. 97.6% of the year we have left. In energy expenditure terms, how much do you really think we can impact fat loss from exercise alone?
There is plenty of research out there to show the best interventions are a combination of exercise and nutrition.
However, it is important to know where the primary focus SHOULD be.
That is your nutrition.
Remember being told you can’t out exercise a bad diet? Truer words were never spoken.
You should focus on nutritional habits, reducing calorie intake as well as looking at trying to move more every day (10,000 steps a day will work wonders with a balanced, calorie-controlled diet intervention).
Look at your exercise sessions as icing on the cake.
Miss a session? Its not going to be the end of the world.
Don’t get your calorie intake correct?
You are going to find you do not get the desired results.
Eat less, move more, exercise sessions in that order of importance if I had to give an order.
I hope you enjoyed the episode, for more help sign up with my academy or message me direct.