
Soldier's Body Recovered in Yard (last confederate lost in battle)

Soldier's Body Recovered in Yard (last confederate lost in battle) The Soldier's Body Recovered in Yard is believed to be the last confederate lost in battle. This is about the recovery of Lt. Andrew Jackson Buttram, CSA, from the American Civil War. The battle/skirmish happened in Munford, Alabama on April 23, 1865 and his body was recovered on February 26, 2020. Some of his family members were present when the body was recovered and the Son's of Confederate Veterans (SCV) Post 454 have been instrumental in working with local officials to have the soldier properly buried with honors. The soldier was buried in uniform and several buttons and his boots were also recovered as well as the round believed to have ended his life. Questions now remain if the round was fired from confederate cannon or confederate musket as it does not match what the union troops were using in this battle.

Lt. Andrew Jackson Buttram, The Last Confederate Casualty in the War Between the States:
In April 1865, the South was just about overrun. Still, brave defenders stood up to the invader and defended their country, their states, and their communities. Lt. Andrew Jackson Buttram, the defender of Munford, was one such man.

Lt. Buttram and a contingent of 500 citizens, invalids, and home guards faced a hostile invader numbering approximately 2500. The defenders didn't have much hope but stand they did! During the short battle, Lt. Buttram and two Union soldiers lost their lives. It is not known how many were wounded. They were buried where they fell. After the war, the Union soldiers were disinterred and carried home. Lt. Buttram remained in his wartime grave.

The Town of Munford and the Samuel C. Kelly SCV Camp 454, are working together to finally give Lt. Buttram the funeral he deserves.

The University of Alabama Archaeology Department will disinter Lt. Buttram from his now unmarked grave and he will be given a full Confederate Military Funeral when he is reburied at the foot of the monument honoring his sacrifice. April 17-18, 2020, rain or shine. #historyseekers #history #civilwar

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====Links mentioned in the video =====
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metal detecting,History Seekers,soldier,civil war,buried in my front yard,munford,alabama,confederate,history,history seekers,Heath Jones,Andrew Jackson Buttram,AJ Buttram,most watched,most viral,paranormal,exploring alabama,most popular,artifacts,digging,exploring,adventure archaeology,relic hunters,relic hunting,body recovery,graveyard,graves,lost,recovered in yard,civil war relics,viral,metal detecting finds,treasure hunting,SCV,Son's of confederate,

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