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Watch more :
1. Since / For
2. Tense 1
3. Tense 2
4. Present Simple
5. Present Continuous
6. Present perfect
7. Present Perfect Continuous
8. Active and Passive (Steps)
9. Active and Passive ( All Tenses)
10. Active and Passive (Interrogatives)
11. Narration
12. Clause Part 1
13. Active Passive Double Objects
14. Noun Clause
15. Noun (Parts of speech)
16. Pronoun
17. Auxilliary verbs
18. Main Verbs
19. Beside Vs Besides
20. Notice Writing
21. Difference between Other and Another
22. Difference between Advice and Advise
24.Difference between On, Over and Above
25.Letter Writing (Letter of complain)
26. Adjectives
27.Formal Invitation Reply
28.Informal Invitation Reply
29. Narration - Interrogatives (Starting with Helping Verb)
30. Narration - Interrogatives (Starting with wh-words)