
Mitt Romney is a Yankee

Mitt Romney is a Yankee Why would U.S. Senator Mitt Romney, a Republican from Utah, vote against President Donald Trump in his impeachment trial?
One reason is that Romney is the product of Yankee culture, which is deeply opposed to the other American regional cultures Trump represents. Raised in Yankee Michigan, educated at Yankee schools, Romney was governor of Massachusetts -- the very state founded by the fore fathers of Yankee culture, the Puritans.
Romney is also a practicing member of the Church of Jesus Christ Later Day Saints, the Mormons, a religion that sprung from Yankee culture in the 1830s.
While some think Romney is bitter about his failure to win the presidency, I argue that he is mostly acting on instincts -- of ethics, community and governmental conduct -- that the Puritans would have recognized and approved of.

Photo Credits:
Map of American ancestry from DNA

All other photos are in the public domain. Romney's photo is his official Senate photo.

mitt romney,Donald Trump,Impeachment,

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