Note: This new style of video is very laborious to produce, and to be honest (visual content aside) I've felt that the last few videos have had kind of weak theoretical content. I think the weekly video format offers too little time for me to generate good research and scripts. I'll be moving to a more fluid upload schedule where I'll hold myself to AT LEAST one upload a month, but I'll be trying for two.
We talk about Looper (2012) and Gemini Man (2019) and Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of its Mechanical Reproduction."
Critical theory's roots in Marxism and its focus on worker alienation limit the frankfurt school's flexibility when discussing the many forms of othering that take place these days. Poststructural theory (which is not always distinguishable from critical theory) can allow for a more complete understanding of self alienation, if you ask this guy, I like to talk use Film analysis, Celebrity Culture, Fame, and mass Representation to talk about alienation... as I'm sure you've gather if you've watched any of my videos. Also In this new series of video essays Im playing with Macro Photography, abstract art, and blobs of silicone.