
Allow The Process || 4 Things Your Spirit Guides Would Do EVERY DAY If They Were In Your Shoes

Allow The Process || 4 Things Your Spirit Guides Would Do EVERY DAY If They Were In Your Shoes Allow The Process || 4 Things Your Spirit Guides Would Do EVERY DAY If They Were In Your Shoes!
In this video your going to learn 4 powerful, life transforming techniques that will help you to allow the process so much easier if you take advantage of them. These are powerful spiritual manifestation tools and secrets that your higher self, angel guides, and spirit guides think it's about time you know.
First of let's set the foundation by understanding that the key to manifestation is to allow the process. Many of us we try to control our manifestations, creating resistance in not only our energy field, but also creating resistance to our manifestations finding their way to us. This is because they are divinely connected. You are always recieving a reflection of that which you are the vibration of. Your vibration is a mix between your thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs and even your self image or the way that you view yourself. These 4 things your spirit guides would do every day if they were in your shoes will totally transform your vibration, help you allow the process, and therefore let go of resistance to naturally attract things into your reality in a totally new, and powerful way.
Understand that on a depper level, we came to Earth to experience duality, contrast, and this dense 3D experience. Think about it, how boring would the experience be if you were a sculptor, and all you needed to do to create a magnificent piece of art was to touch it. Reality would be pretty bland. In a way we chose to be here to go through this process and learn about, and remember who we really are. Eternal spiritual beings.
Follow these 4 methods that your spirit guides would do every day if they were in your shoes to not only allow the process, but to help you manifest your preferred reality in a much faster way than what you have been trying. Feel it before you see it, believe it before you see it, and it will be here before you know it. Although you can know it's coming before it's here as well, the secret is to allow the process. Stay tuned until the end for a 5th bonus secret.
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